Thursday, May 29, 2008

As my tea gets cold...

Am writing this as my morning tea gets colder and colder an yes, I actually mean “cold” cos the morning tea was made at 9:30am and now its around 10:45.interesting,isn’t it???
I am such a waste when it comes to enjoying the pleasures of a hot cup of tea, that feel of getting my tongue burnt and senses revived no matter what part of the world I am in. So,do not count in the fact that it is really hot in these parts of the planet now…its jus that I like my tea cold…but it has to be served piping hot of course! I hate it when my mom keeps my tea ready ages before I wake up (cos theres usually nobidy at home to make tea for me at those late hours of the morning that mark my advent into the day nd don’t you ever imagine me making myself the first beverage of the day,no no!) . I am expected to heat d cup o tea in the microwave,and trust me it does d job quite well…but it doesn’t satisfy me. In fact,I get bored and to an extent irritated with the arrangement! Poor mom…
The catch is that even tho id hate to taste the hotness of the tea,I love to feel it,to see it,to know that its fresh and new and has to its credit just a few seconds of experience in this wide wide world…it invokes within me the spirit to finally start off for the day. Actually, be it any time of the day and any hot beverage you mention, the above philosophy fits in,and mind you,its not just beverages, its a golden rule I believe in for any consumable.
Be it tea,coffe or anything else,it should be served the way it is “meant” to be served,following traditional rules, that is if you want the consumer to receive it with joy. What he then does with it is upto him. He might add personal elements to d way of consuming it , according to his choice and need but trust me, you do the serving wrong and you spoil the mood big time!
I’ve been thinking of an interesting example to illustrate the matter better…so,here we go! Goodness knows how many times I have seen papa and other ppl and myself reducing (or mayb expandin,cos things expand when heated,,he he) a cup of ice cream to a rich creamy liquid equivalent to cold milk shake ,before consuming it, in an attempt to do away with a lil part of the coldness and hence save our throats! But wud I ever buy an ice cream cup that has even a layer of melt flowing out of the paper lid???? No no no!! Never at all! I’d be so disappointed even at the idea of doing so! Got my point??
So,that’s the trick our minds play on us and others around us…but its pretty simple you know. If I were to put the entire issue in one line,it wud go thus…
do your job as you always would , and leave the rest alone, it doesn’t really matter.

And doesn’t this one liner find a place as a bottom line in everything that we do throughout the day, right from the word “bed-tea”!!!

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