visiting my own blog after long long time,almost months now...isnt that funny?
i mean i'm so poor at discipline,cant even buck up to update my own blog! goodness gracious me! (i love this expression,used to be frequently used in those old english books we'd love reading when in school) but now that i am online,lemme tell all of u readin this that dere really is a lot to update...and well,i would actually want the world to know,even as i remain anonymous to most,abut the most important devlopment in my life ever (jus hope its fair enuf to use such a string phrase for it).
well, here i comes...i'm committed!!! yeahhh!!! isnt that great??? even more thrilling is the story behind it,met my partner during pujo,i was proposed to after 7 days and on the 9th day and on the first 12th of the new year,we shall be completing three months of our relationship. it might sound like a real short time to some,for some a real hasty affai,maybe immaturity and an "in the heat of the moment" issue to others,but i am reminded by my "sometimes right thinking at rite place " mind of that old chain mail we all have received and read sometime! the one that talks of the importace of time, where you ask the olympian who has missed a gold the value of millisecond. my point has been well stated i assume,stil shal love to "milk the moment" (only one person knos why dis ones in quotes" . so,if u have (asked d qs to d said person,at least mentally if not literally) then my story has not evoked sceptism in you, though it used to in me at a point of time, till i realised what i just stated. for ppl like you the story sounds like time well utilised, pace correctly fitted to suit 21st century life, and sincerity to help mature and make things last forever and forever.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
the value of time
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Calvin and Neil...

My 5 and somethn yr old cousin is extremely imaginative.
With each passing day he is gaining experience too vast to be controlled and rationalized by the machine fitted sumwhere inside his head and as a result he has brought my favourite comic strip character “Calvin” to life! He talks,walks,acts exactly like calvin,making up stories and imagining himself to be in a setup non-existent physically but hundred percent present for him; and he knows details of every nook and corner of his set, of how the latest model cars are moving about on the road, how the taxi-s and auto-walas are being indignant , how the buses are creating a commotion and how his car, wid himself in the driver’s seat, is stuck yet again in heavy traffic!
He (Neil) is obsessed these days with this kind of play and ends up spending hours in his designated position, imagining, thinking, observing and perfectly playing his part. There’s a certain observation I’ve made—while calvin ends up in a spaceship and on some strange planet with dinosaur like creatures for aliens, my neil prefers Calcutta roads, especially the ones he frequents as he goes to and returns home from school, and you’ll find him in the new car his dad’s bought or even in an aeroplane!!! Yes, he does include runways on which there are traffic lights that remain red for hours, as opel corsas and wagon R’s and taxis have their fair share of hullabaloo and as he is forced to take lunch or dinner. So, even if it delays the flight he is piloting he can at least be somewhat sure of it not running…er..flying away in his absence!
The striking similarity between the comic character and his real life manifestation is motion and commotion! Motion as in calvin’s space craft, neil’s airplane or maruti ; commotion as in calvin’s aliens, neil’s rowdy taxis and traffic lights on runways! However, I am yet to realize what is my brother’s hobbes,but I have a very uncanny feeling that it might as well be myself! I am the only physically present at the spot being who has been a part of the fantastic plays he directs, and I am being overflown by emotions as I write this cos now I can rarely give him time and family issues are such that nobody is bothered, on my maternal side, about either him or me…
Neil has been an essential part of my life and I of his. We have loved and craved for each other and I hope we continue to do so until ,and even after, he finds himself a hobbes or the planet calvin’s already on…who knows, neil might be the saviour captain calvin has been awaiting for years now…or a female hobbes maybe, or a best friend, or a new means of transport, or a film director…
Thursday, May 29, 2008
As my tea gets cold...
Am writing this as my morning tea gets colder and colder an yes, I actually mean “cold” cos the morning tea was made at 9:30am and now its around 10:45.interesting,isn’t it???
I am such a waste when it comes to enjoying the pleasures of a hot cup of tea, that feel of getting my tongue burnt and senses revived no matter what part of the world I am in. So,do not count in the fact that it is really hot in these parts of the planet now…its jus that I like my tea cold…but it has to be served piping hot of course! I hate it when my mom keeps my tea ready ages before I wake up (cos theres usually nobidy at home to make tea for me at those late hours of the morning that mark my advent into the day nd don’t you ever imagine me making myself the first beverage of the day,no no!) . I am expected to heat d cup o tea in the microwave,and trust me it does d job quite well…but it doesn’t satisfy me. In fact,I get bored and to an extent irritated with the arrangement! Poor mom…
The catch is that even tho id hate to taste the hotness of the tea,I love to feel it,to see it,to know that its fresh and new and has to its credit just a few seconds of experience in this wide wide world…it invokes within me the spirit to finally start off for the day. Actually, be it any time of the day and any hot beverage you mention, the above philosophy fits in,and mind you,its not just beverages, its a golden rule I believe in for any consumable.
Be it tea,coffe or anything else,it should be served the way it is “meant” to be served,following traditional rules, that is if you want the consumer to receive it with joy. What he then does with it is upto him. He might add personal elements to d way of consuming it , according to his choice and need but trust me, you do the serving wrong and you spoil the mood big time!
I’ve been thinking of an interesting example to illustrate the matter better…so,here we go! Goodness knows how many times I have seen papa and other ppl and myself reducing (or mayb expandin,cos things expand when heated,,he he) a cup of ice cream to a rich creamy liquid equivalent to cold milk shake ,before consuming it, in an attempt to do away with a lil part of the coldness and hence save our throats! But wud I ever buy an ice cream cup that has even a layer of melt flowing out of the paper lid???? No no no!! Never at all! I’d be so disappointed even at the idea of doing so! Got my point??
So,that’s the trick our minds play on us and others around us…but its pretty simple you know. If I were to put the entire issue in one line,it wud go thus…do your job as you always would , and leave the rest alone, it doesn’t really matter.
And doesn’t this one liner find a place as a bottom line in everything that we do throughout the day, right from the word “bed-tea”!!!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Leaving Home...
nevertheless,i have written this piece down..explains all of what forms the sorrow that rests in me after this eve and since long before...
Leaving Home
I’m leaving home,
But you’ve already turned me out.
Its raining slow,
Too dark too dark are the clouds.
My tears have wet
Every inch of all I owned,
Crumbling down
Like moist paper of my notebook.
Scattered hopes,
Oh scattered all love of mine,
Shattered memories
Of long lost childhood so fine.
I’ll find no way,
Cos your curse is on me dear,
You made me see the light of the world,
And now, you bring death near.
Can almost touch it now,
For some it comes too soon.
You’ve asked me to leave,
And I’m off to sleep,
Yes. I’m leaving home…
May 25th,2008
but this particular day was so amasing that i had to put this in...this is what i saved as draft in my cell out of utter frustration!!
25th may,08
have had a horrible beginnig to the day.horrible food,swimming competition on in campus nd me not bein able to participate (thanks to exaaaaams!), my favourite watch spoilt (d new band that has been put on is jus so bad..)
expectations crushed to level zero!
very very angry,very very fuming! how dare that watch b spoilt!will never b able to wear it again! it now looks like a joker or a big fool! wat a calamity! will tear off the band and look for a new one!HORRRIBLE!!!
2 hrs later...
wel,its not so bad either...the weathers being compassionate. grey clouds help see colours of life. sky serving as a good backdrop to life. lovely breeze...cold coffee...oh wow... this feels like MAGIC!!!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Interestn study time and the storm...
It was an interesting day today.
Woke up late (9am) as usual,and then again went off to sleep after breakfast(as usual, this one too!). My 2 college classmates( nd dear frnds) came over for group study and we were slogging over horrible probablility problems…it was all so weird,stuff whose meaning nd logic,if any exists at all,we failed to identify!!
even tho sir asked and proclaimed,"bujhte parcho???? (pause) bujhbei to,ami to bhalo porai!" (are u bein able to understnd?? (pause) u sure are cos i teach well!)
So,it was the three of us scratching our heads,bodies nd minds as we poured into the photocopies of class notes of this strange and alien topic amidst all the heat the day had to offer. We started off studying at 1.30 pm and due to reasons mentioned above,also because it is his habit, one of my frnds started playing the fool. Lying down on the floor,into ppl’s laps and banging himself into every possible “be careful” zone of the drawing room, he played the perfect nuisance. End result,we had so much fun. We discussed cricket and srk much more dan we studied , came up wid irritating modified versions of yet another Fossils number and sang and danced to Dard_e_Disco. Listing down few of our activities during those “study hours” :
1. discussing knioght riders—past,present and future
2. discussing movies asoka,dil se, bhagat singh.bose d forgotten hero, hey ram
3. gandhiji and his immense (???) contributions
4. comparing emperors asoka and akbar
5. singing nd dancing to dard-e-disco…d guy frnd was a spoilt sport,didn’t dance..we two had to do
6. d singin as well as d innovative dancing
7. discussin hindi songs wid obscene lyrics nd weird dance steps
8. mourning over our fate and d future thrills nd scares awaiting us thru our exams
9. most importantly,studying about 80% of the syllabus and designin strategic approach towards at least passsin the exam
Then came the storm…a dark cloud overcast the sky,makin evening set in before sunset and with powerful lightning and thunder striking all over d place it started raining cats and dogs…it was a beautiful sight from our balcony, the view’s magnificence being accentuated obviously by the height at which our apartment is located. We kept standing for quite sometime in our balcony enjoying the fascinating site,the fierce gusts of wind and the heavy yet soothing sheets of rain scattering themselves all over us…
Friday, May 16, 2008
Knight riders lose but i win sumthn...
korbo lorbo re,ki koreee? ki koreee-e-e??"
(will do it,will fight,will win...howww???)
hehehe...thats the modified version of the KKR anthem that i sing each time we (Kolkata Knight Riders,the team i passionately support) loses a match and unfortunately i had to do the same this evening.In fact,its jus been about an hour since the Mumbai Indians wrapped up a win,within 6 overs, against us,but it really was an entertaining match.I mean,there was so much of tragedy that i could not help laugh and laugh and laugh(dont hav enough energy to cry u c). There were a few records set tonight by KKR...1) Knight Salman Butt hit a six off Ashish Nehra's first spell,2nd ball,as we lost d toss nd were forced 2 bat first,and it was the 400th six of the DLF IPL League,2008. 2) KKR scored the slowest 50 (off 12 tragic overs) of the tournament 3) KKR achieved the lowest total innings scorte of the tournament. Now if that isnt entertainment,what is...truly Shah Rukh,it was "too hot,too cool" to handle.
But what was truly good to see was Knight Saurav's happy."spirits high" face durin the presentation ceremony,"dis is cricket,u have a bad day sometimes...tomorrow will be a new day"..well said dada!
Now,what did i gain this evening???? Any guesses?? I bet none!
Well,i'm talking about a sweet lil phone call,a good news and an sms chat...all from nd with a very dear person...a friend,should i say??? he's really an uncle u know,goin by age that is,my dad's frnd actually but he cares for me a lot! I adore and admire him a lot too! He is this multitalented personality who is a great stage performer...singer,dancer and anchor...nd rite now he is doing what he does best...managing some of the best event on in our dear old metro,kolkata. Works day and night,followin d srk spirit!! Apart from his professional talents,he is a really wonderful human being with certain philosophies and ways dat match with mine,quite eerie i must say!
The sms chat i had with him was most amasing...shall not be puttin up details, but d gist of it is d age difference b/w the two of us,how i am a "baby" nd a "fortunate lil one" whereas he is d "dark,hard workin old man,born to struggle"...but as is self-proclaimed,u cant win a war of words with me! so,i concluded d chat in an attempt to cheer him up a bit,but ended up sayin d truth...dat i ws lucky cos i hav wonderful ppl arouund me,in the list of whic he definitely has a veyr important place and "we adore tall,dar,handsome,hard workin men,age doesnt mattr...". We do,dont we ladies??
Now time for a yet another good thing,a lil net chat wid "a few good men"..he he he..know ur readn this!!!! so thats it for tonight i a lot of work to do...
An intro to me...
"aro ekbar cholo fire jai,
paharer oi bukete darai,
akasher haatchhani te shara di,
ki hobe na bhebe..
aaro ekbar haat ta chhuye dekh,
ajo amader ichhe gulo ek,
ami jani tui abar harabi nijeke..."
what wonderful lyrics...yes,lets lose ourselves...lets not care...lets forget dis is jus a 20yr old female writing sum strange stuff on net and just get lost into bliss...