Thursday, February 25, 2016

Olive oil treatment for scars

10;55 am, Goettingen, Germany

I am here to rediscover the habit of writing, to find the joy in doing something creative. What has inspired me to take up the pen, albeit virtual, again is the miraculous healing going on in my body at this moment. Well, the subject in discussion is my skin, on the paler side of my hand that suferred nasty knife cuts about 17 days back. The cuts healed with protection and repeated washing and applying antibacterial cream (long live Boroline!), but the marks remained. In fact, only last Sunday I realised how the indentation in my skin along the cuts was not only staring out at the world but also felt like valleys in my skin. It left me feeling very sad. I am not one to obsess over looks and appearance but these marks became an eyesore to me almost immediately.
Thus began the search for remedies to get rid of these scars, on internet of course! I am happy medicating myself for easy and comfortable recovery instead of experimenting with several household remedies. The scar removal cream, however, as it turns out, comes with a relatively high price label. 30 Euros or so for a single tube - worth looking for an alternative, at least for a short time to see if it helps. So, i started looking up home remedies and one that appealed to me (after I spotted the bottle lying in my larder) was massaging olive oil, preferably extra virgin, on the scar area and ideally leaving it on overnight. Applying twice or thrice n the day has also been recommended on certain blogs. I decided to try it out. Olive oil woud'nt harm me i figured, mummy used to massage it onto my body as i was a kid and it yielded good resutls - judging from the frequency of having it applied on me at least one every ten days or so! Now, extra virgin olive oil can also be quite pricey but I had this half a bottle leftover in my cupboard, donated to me by a visiting professor who flew back to the US. One amongst his many attractive leftovers, i must say! I started applying the oil on Monday night and viola! The very next morning the sutures showed healing signs, with the gaping valleys closing up pretty damn fast. After applying it once, massaging for three minutes and leaving it on overnight three nights now, the scars already look so much better! I can barely feel the wound lines when i run my fingers over it now.
I wish i had photographed the before images of the scars so that I could doucment this unexpectedly fast result from a "home-remedy", something i am exceptionally sceptic about in this medically advanced day and age. But if something works for me, how can I not appreciate it? I have taken a few photos today of the already better scars. It is for time to tell how they heal from now onwards.
A word of caution. As mentioned earlier, i would not have continued this method if it did not show me any results at all in about 4-5 days. I would promptly have invested in a scar treatment cream from the pharmacy if this home remedy took longer. The main reason for that is the fact that the longer you leave scars untreated, the harder they get to remove. I would not advise against trying home remedies out over a long period of time, but unless allergic to or financially unviable, I would get myself the medication. And oh! don't forget to ask the doctor if a combination of home remedies and the medicated cream is advisable, that is very very important because we do not want a bunch of nasty reactions and side effects due to a non-administered mixture of  varous chemicals - yes! guess what! every home ingredient you use also contains "chemicals", of biological origin yes but still chemicals nonetheless. Chemicals are'nt always bad for you. They are'nt always goof for you either, irrespective of their source. The air you breathe is also a chemical, the poison that makes you sick is also a chemical. So, please do not generalise and choose wisely after careful scrutiny and medical advise. Until then, the virginity of the olive oil does matter. ;) 

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